


Grant No КП-06-Н78/11
Principal Investigator: Hassan Chamati, Prof. DSc
Research project: Magnetic interactions in molecules and bulk materials

Duration: Since 05.12.2023 for three years

The project is devoted to the study of the main physical mechanisms occurring in molecular and bulk magnetic materials, as a result of the competition between different types (magnetic, electrical, mechanical) of interactions in the system. Due to the competition between the named interactions, several interesting physical phenomena take place. These can be used to control the magnetic properties of materials and hence the potential for use in instrumentation. Efforts will focus on gaining useful knowledge and deeper understanding of the fundamental physical processes in model magnetic systems tailored to the study of new magnetic molecules, nanostructured and bulk materials. Within this project, the team will concentrate on studying systems additionally involving different spin variables, charge and other degrees of freedom that can lead to new phases and excitations. The main task of the project is to understand the role of the important physical parameters controlling the correlations between the different magnetic structures and symmetries of the established macroscopic states and their low-lying excitations. The theoretical approaches to be used include a large set of generalized standard many body methods and computer modeling software packages.


Grant No КП-06-Н78/11
Principal Investigator: Ekaterina Iordanova, Assoc. Prof. PhD
Research project: Trapping and manipulation of atoms, molecules and particles with ultrashort laser pulses in a gas environment

Duration: Since 12.2023 for three years

The originality and innovation of the proposed scientific research is based on the challenging goals set by the team to propose a new process of molecular metal vapor deposition and a new approach to trapping, control and compression of nuclei and atoms in the field of ultrashort laser pulses with the potential to create energy fusion source.

The main goals set in the project are as follows:

  • Carrying out in-depth experimental and theoretical fundamental studies to establish and optimize the mode parameters of stable propagation of filament structures in a non-linear mode under ultrashort laser pulses. Determination of the threshold for the formation of conical emission as a result of impact ionization.
  • Identify and achieve experimental and analytical conditions for manipulation of neutral atoms and particles by longitudinal polarization force from femtosecond laser pulses.
  • Determination of conditions for generation and manipulation of metal vapor nuclei and light elements by means of longitudinal polarization force and external homogeneous electric field.
  • Realization and dissemination of the project’s theme by increasing the visibility and transfer of significant research results, both in scientific circles and to a wide audience.
  • The building of leading research and innovation capacity for both the young research team and the beneficiary institute at the national and international level.

The implementation of the set goals and research tasks will be carried out through:

  • Experimental determination of optimal parameters affecting the characteristics of (i) the regime for generation and sustainable propagation of filamentary structures, (ii) finding the threshold for obtaining conical emission, (iii) the trapping of neutral particles in a femtosecond laser pulse, (iv ) trapping, acceleration and deposition of neutral particles by ultrashort laser pulses.
  • Analytical validation of the experimental results using: (i) a suite of programs describing the nonlinear propagation of ultrashort (femtosecond) laser pulses in gas media and dielectrics and (ii) a software product for analytical calculations and determination of optical characteristics, depending on the pressure and the temperature of the gas medium under study.
  • Characterization, analysis and comparison of the results of the experimental and theoretical studies obtained during the various stages of the implementation of the scientific tasks within the project.
  • Publication and dissemination of the obtained results – participation in international forums, publication in scientific publications, use of specialized scientific databases and social networks.

The effective realization of the project and the successful fulfillment of the objectives will be a guarantee of new experience and professional qualification of the research team and the beneficiary institute. The implementation of the proposed fundamental research will provide balance and transfer to applied research with priority directions for development and solving societal challenges in priority areas such as Modern energy sources and energy-efficient technologies, Mechatronics and clean technologies corresponding to potential applications in the field of laser fusion and the cooling of light neutral atoms and molecules in the field of ultrashort laser pulses.


Grant No КП-06ДБ/9
Call identifier: P. Beron 2023
Researcher: Viktoriya Atanasova, Assist. Prof. PhD
Supervisor: assoc. prof. Dr Ekaterina Iordanova
Research project: Femtosecond Laser Modification of Different Materials Acronym: FLAMAT

Duration: Since 01.02.2023 for two years

The process of femtosecond laser modification involves inducing a permanent (irreversible) change in the characteristics of the surface of a given material on a micro- and nano-scale. This includes alterations in surface topography, crystal structure, chemical composition, and polymerization to enhance its functionality.

The primary objective of the project is to investigate the effect of femtosecond laser modification on the physico-chemical properties and functionality of optical components with potential applications in the laser and optics industries. The focus of the research is on various optical coatings such as ZrO2, TiO2, Al2O3, SiO2, etc., as well as different glasses and crystals used as substrates for thin film deposition, including fused quartz, borosilicate, BK7, etc. To achieve this goal, in-depth fundamental studies will be conducted on the mechanisms and effects of femtosecond laser-induced surface modifications, specifically on the optical linear and nonlinear properties, chemical structure, morphology, and surface topography of these materials. This encompasses the influence of laser processing parameters such as wavelength, pulse duration, repetition rate, laser fluence, and so on, on material modification.

The originality and innovative aspects of the planned research consist in the studying the dependence of the properties of the modified material on the laser wavelength, covering the UV-VIS-IR spectral range. Additionally, the research investigates the influence on the nonlinear optical properties of the materials and aims to enhance the functionality of optical substrates intended for thin film deposition.


Grant No К-06-H77/8
Principal Investigator: Krassimir Temelkov, Prof. PhD
Research project: evelopment and basic research of high-beam-quality laser system oscillating in ultraviolet spectral range

Duration: Since 04.12.2023 for three years

Basic research objectives are:

  • To develop and research high-beam quality Au vapor laser system oscillating in the UV spectral range at the atomic Au 312.2-nm line.
  • To develop and research high-beam quality CuBr vapor laser system emitting at the 255.3-nm by nonlinear frequency-doubling.
  • To carry out basic comparative research on the interaction of 312.2- and 255.3-nm laser radiation with various materials.

For a successful achievement of the basic research objectives, it is planned to accomplish the following scientific tasks:

  • To develop and research high-power Au vapour laser oscillating at the atomic Au lines 312.2 nm and 627.8 nm.
  • To develop and research master oscillator – power amplifier (MO-PA) Au vapor system delivering high-beam quality laser radiation at the atomic Au line 312.2 nm.
  • To develop and research laser system operating in the UV spectral region at the 255.3-nm line by second harmonic generation (SHG) of the atomic copper (Cu) line 510.6 nm.
  • To study experimentally and theoretically the interaction of laser radiation at the 312.2- and 255.3-nm with various materials.

For the accomplishment of the planned tasks, modern experimental and theoretical methods will be used, including development and
utilization of new ones. Expected scientific results can be summarized, as follows:

  • Obtaining of laser oscillation in the UV spectral range with average output power of 1-1.5 W.
  • Obtaining of laser oscillation in the UV spectral region with beam divergence near to the diffraction limit.
  • Obtaining of UV laser oscillation with wavelength 255.3 nm through SHG of atomic Cu 510.6-nm line.
  • Determination of the optimal laser parameters for processing of various materials.


Grant No КП-06-Н77/3
Principal Investigator: Karekin Esmeryan, Assoc. Prof. PhD
Research project: A selective sensor for assessing the quality of alcoholic beverages based on a miniature metal-phenolic film coated quartz crystal microbalance

Duration: Since 28.11.2023 for three years

A major problem in the distillation of alcohol, as well as in the synthesis of alcohol-based fuels, is the continuous control of the methyl fraction, since inadvertent inhalation and ingestion of methanol or its penetration into human skin can lead to irreversible tissue damage, blindness or death. The current project proposal combines the latest developments in the field of engineering (acoustoelectronics) with new knowledge concerning the chemical processes in the formation of metal-phenolic complexes, with the aim of investigating the relationship between the physicochemical profile of a metal-phenolic coating and the sensitivity and resolution of a quartz microbalance to various alcohols and denaturants in conditions of variable temperature and relative air humidity – with the aim of successful authentication of alcoholic products on-site conditions to meet the needs of the alcohol and food industry.


Grant No КП-06-Н78/8
Principal Investigator: Lyubomir Stoychev, Assoc. Prof. PhD
Research project: Ultrafast Femtosecond Laser Irradiation To Enhance Nanoparticle-based Photothermal Cancer Therapy: Novel Strategies and Applications

Duration: Since 14.12.2023 for three years

A key role in optimizing the interactions of light with lipid and biological systems is the in-depth understanding of the fundamental processes that take place and the clarification of the connections between them. Irradiation of various lipid and biological systems with laser light can cause changes in the properties of the latter and/or change the way they interact with added systems – nanoparticles. This change can be determined both by the type, size, shape and concentration of the nanoparticles, as well as by various parameters of the laser radiation such as wavelength, laser pulse duration, pulse energy, power density, and last but not least by the exposure time (irradiation) of the given biological system.

The aim of the present project proposal is a detailed study of the interaction of femtosecond laser radiation with different parameters, with lipid and cellular systems, alone and in combination with nanomaterials. For this purpose, gold nanomaterials with different shapes, and graphene oxide-based nanomaterials with different chemical compositions will be used; the femtosecond laser irradiation parameters will be varied, and the changes in the viability and morphology of cancer cells, and the type of cell death and the corresponding mechanisms which cause them, as well as the physicochemical properties of lipid systems will be investigated. For a deeper understanding of the processes of interaction of light with the studied model lipids and cell systems, a correlation between the parameters of the laser irradiation with the type, shape, concentrations and surface properties of the nanomaterials will be investigated. The optimal parameters for synergistic treatment of lipid and cellular systems with laser and nanomaterials to induce an appropriate cellular response with potential application in photothermal anticancer therapy will be determined. To achieve this goal, a laser setup with a tunable laser source emitting in the spectral range of 300–2500 nm will initially be developed, enabling the parameters of the femtosecond laser radiation to be varied in a very wide range. Based on the obtained data, the parameters of irradiation of liposomes and cancer cells with an ultrafast femtosecond laser will be optimized to improve the treatment efficiency, and this will be used further in the clinical translation of the method in cancer diseases. The idea was inspired by the desire to find new applications of lasers in an area of public importance such as healthcare.

The new knowledge obtained about the effect of different laser radiation parameters (wavelength, power density, laser pulse duration) in combination with different nanomaterials on tumour and normal cells related to potential application in biomedical research corresponds to the Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization, where the priorities for combating socially significant diseases are clearly formulated, including cancer.


Grant No КП-06-М68/1
Principal Investigator: Vani Tankova, Senior Assistant, PhD
Research project: Spectroscopic analysis of pigments used for decoration on Neolithic and Chalcolithic pottery by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Duration: Since 30.11.2022 for two years

The study and preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria for the future is among the most important tasks of modern society. The archaeological finds preserved to this day are an important key for studying the past and define the place and role of Bulgaria as one of the centers of European civilization. The study of archaeological artefacts with analytical spectroscopic methods makes it possible to determine the origin of objects and study ancient production technologies.

The main goal of the current project is to investigate prehistoric pigments used for decoration on ceramic vessels with the help of microinvasive analytical techniques. The elemental composition of the pigments will be determined by analysis with Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) will be used to determine their molecular structure. The results of the LIBS and FTIR studies will provide valuable information about the raw materials used and the production technologies of ancient decorated ceramics. By means of statistical analysis PCA (Principal Component Analysis) the studied artifacts will be classified according to the elements detected in the decoration and their ratios. The results obtained from the analyzes with LIBS, FTIR and PCA will be interpreted in an archaeological context in order to make hypotheses for the possible transfer of knowledge for the production of decorated ceramics or trade relations between the cultures that inhabited the territory of today’s Bulgaria and neighboring territories and the development of technologies through different eras.
For the purpose of the project, it is planned to examine a large number of fragments of prehistoric ceramic vessels decorated with white, yellow, red and brown pigment applied as paint or inlay from 20 archaeological sites on the territory of Bulgaria from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras.

The archaeometric study of a significant number of decorated ceramics from numerous archaeological sites from all over Bulgaria covering two eras, included in the project, will significantly contribute to the enrichment of our knowledge of the lifestyle and culture of the ancient civilizations that lived on our lands.


Grant No КП-06-КОСТ/13
Principal Investigator: Ekaterina Iordanova, Assoc. Prof. PhD
Research project: Optical cooling and acceleration of neutral particles with femtosecond laser pulses

Duration: 11.2021 – 11.2023

The aim of the project is to develop and test spectrophotometric methods for determining the
optical constants of films and materials and to synthesize on their basis interference optical coatings in
the UV, middle and far IR regions of the spectrum for different applications.

The relevance of the project is related to the presence of significant problems in the field of the
study of the optical constants of the films by spectrophotometric methods. These are: the nontrivial
analysis of the spectrophotometric spectra; the ambiguous solution of the inverse problem for finding
optical constants of reflection and transmission spectra; the lack of materials with suitable
characteristics for creating optical coatings in the UV, middle and far IR ranges of the spectrum and the
lack of effective methods for synthesizing optical films and interference coatings to provide stable

The expected results of the project are achieving methods for determining the fundamental
optical constants, refractive index and absorption coefficient, and testing their application on new
materials in a wide spectral range. The obtained data will be used to synthesize, realize and characterize
optical coatings for various applications, including narrowband and band interference filters. Methods
for the synthesis of interference coatings will be developed, which include stability analysis and
correction of the synthesized coatings.


Grant No КП-06-Н57/5
Principal Investigator: Tihomir Kolev Tenev, Assoc. Prof., PhD
Research project: Development and application of spectrophotometric methods for determination of thin films optical constants

Duration: 09.2022 – 11.2023

Achieving a detailed understanding of gas-phase molecular dynamics is highly dependent on advances in the refinement of theoretical and experimental methods and techniques. A challenging task is the development of new ways to efficiently detect and monitor the emission of photons (luminescence) from stored ion beams to measure transition energies and excited state dynamics. In this context, the expertise and focus on highly efficient traps for all fragments (neutral and charged) and electrons will pave the way for the next generation of storage experiments, precise and controllable ion beam targeting.

Main objectives in the project proposal:
Recent theoretical and experimental studies show that it is possible to capture neutral particles based on polarization processes, through the amplitude envelope of the laser pulse and their cooling, and movement with the group velocity of the pulse. For this reason, the trapped neutral particle receives a large kinetic energy, in which the velocity is determined by the group velocity of the laser pulse. In the case, for example, of a collision between two bundles of hydrogen atoms, the collision energy is of the order of 1.5 GeV, comparable to the energies of modern particle accelerators. In connection with the above, theoretical and experimental studies will be carried out to determine possible thresholds for monitoring and evaluating these effects in gaseous environments.


Grant No КП-06-Н58/7
Principal Investigator: Georgi Yankov, Assistant prof. PhD
Research project: Plasma dynamics and formation induced by femtosecond infrared laser pulses in transparent media

Duration: 12.2021 – 12.2024

The novelty in proposed project is the first time performance of an in-depth extensive fundamental research on the plasma formation and dynamics induced by femtosecond infrared laser pulses in solid transparent media.

The main objectives are as follows:

  • Performing in-depth extensive fundamental research on the plasma formation and relaxation dynamics in transparent media induced by mid- and short- wavelength infrared laser pulses.
  • Identification via simultaneous time-and-space resolved measurements at mid- and short- infrared spectral domain of the most dominant processes in the plasma formation and their impact on the relaxation dynamics.
  • Determination of the non-linear properties of solid transparent media and its respond induced by femtosecond infrared laser pulses.
  • Observation of the impact of laser processing parameters on the plasma formation and relaxation dynamics – laser wavelength, pulse related parameters (energy, duration density) and repetition rate.
  • Maximize visibility and up-take of research findings in impacted fields and trigger new national and international collaborations.
  • Increasing the professional qualification of the project scientific team and Host institution, both at national and international level.

The accomplishment of the assigned objectives will be realized by combining:

  • simultaneous time-and-space resolved and absorption measurements
  • observation of wavelength dependence of the nonlinear absorption
  • single-pulse laser-induced damage and ablation thresholds determination
  • quality control of the beam profile and duration in real time
  • applying the scientific approach on different materials
  • supporting the experimental interpretation by numerical simulations
  • drawing-up and implementation of dissemination, exploitation and communication and management plan.

Achieving the set objectives will help to clarify the mechanism of interactions between fs laser irradiation and transparent materials leading to new technological applications.


Grant № КП-06-Н37/7
Principal Investigator: assoc. prof. Dr. Karekin Esmeryan
Title of the research: Studying the impact of physicochemical characteristics of super non-wetting carbon soot coatings on their icephobic properties

Duration: 12.2019 – 12.2022

This research project incorporates the latest developments in engineering, physics and chemistry with new insights into the droplet impact and heat/mass transfer phenomena in order to clarify the fundamental reasons behind the different anti-icing performances of super non-wettable coatings with variable physicochemical profile (structure, morphology, roughness, thickness, surface chemistry, etc).


Contract No КП-06-Н38/6
Topic: Magnetic quantum effects in low-dimensional and nanostuctured spin systems
Coordinator: Hassan Chamati, Prof. DSc

Duration: 12.2019 – 12.2022

The main aim of the current project is to investigate the basic physical mechanisms, taking place in nanostructured magnets due to the interplay of quantum and thermal effects from one hand and the confinement due to finite nano-sizes from the other. We will focus our efforts on gaining insights into the fundamental physical processes in spin systems, accommodated to the investigation of novel magnetic mow-dimensional and nanomaterials. In the framework of this project the members of the scientific team will concentrate their attention on the consideration of systems accounting for various supplementary spin variables, charge and other degrees of freedom, that would lead to novel quantum phases and excitations. The main task of the project is to unveil the role of important physical parameters, controlling the correlation among the different magnetic structures and symmetries of well established macroscopic states and low-lying excitations. The theoretical approach to be used include, among other, a set of standard manybody methods, such as spin-wave expansion, Green functions, effective Hamiltonian and variation wave functions. Other tools to be used are based a modern techniques, such as Unsupervised learning in the frames of the Restricted Bolzmann Machunes.


Contract No КП-06-Н37/2
Topic: Basic research and development of high-beam-quality high-power laser system oscillating in visible spectral range
Coordinator: Georgi Yankov, Assistant prof. PhD

Duration: 12.2019 – 12.2022

Basic research objectives are: 1) To research and develop high-power high-beam quality copper bromide (CuBr) and copper (Cu) vapour laser system, oscillating on Cu atomic self-terminating transitions in the visible spectral range; 2) To carry out basic research on interaction of 510.6- and 578.2-nm laser radiation with various materials.
For a successful implementation of the basic research objectives, it is planned to accomplish the following scientific tasks: 1) To research and develop high-power CuBr vapour laser with superior average output power for this laser class; 2) To research and develop master oscillator-powerful amplifier (MOPA) system with high-beam quality reaching the diffraction limit and with high flux of the average laser power density in the range of; 3) To study experimentally and theoretically the interaction of laser radiation at the 510.6- and 578.2-nm Cu atomic lines with different materials, such as metals and their alloys, ceramics, glasses, biological tissues, etc.
For the accomplishment of the planned tasks modern experimental and theoretical methods will be used, including development and utilization of new ones.
Expected scientific results can be summarized, as follows: 1) Obtaining of laser oscillation in the visible spectral region with average output power of 150-200 W and beam divergence reaching diffraction limit; 2) Determination of the optimal laser parameters at irradiation of various materials.


Contract No КП-06-Н38/5
Topic: Functionalization of 3D printed fibrous scaffolds via femtosecond laser patterning
Coordinator: Ekaterina Iordanova, PhD

Duration: 12.2019 – 12.2022

The relevance of the topic in the proposed project can be foreseen in two aspects – the first based on the proposed innovative biomaterials, the second one on the method for the determination and characterization of their morphological and topographic properties by femtosecond laser microstructuring.
At present, biopolymers (collagen, gelatin, chitosan, etc.) and polymers such as poly-ε-caprolactine (PLC), poly-l-lactide (PLLA), polydimethysiloxane (PDMS), polymethylmethacrylate PLGA and etc) are widely used in applications for tissue engineering as a basic material for tissue implant structures. Most of the synthetic polymers have good mechanical properties but lack the biological natural function of natural biopolymers. Synthetic polymers are widely used as they can be easily synthesized with desired geometry and composition.
The use of laser methods for treatment of biopolymer surfaces is a promising alternative compared to existing chemical methods. The advantages of the proposed scientific approach are mainly determined by the use of femtosecond laser iradiation to create microstructures with improved bioactivity of biomaterials used in tissue engineering. Femtosecond laser modification offers minimal impact of thermal effects, precise and controlled modification of desired areas, contactless interaction of laser iradiation characterized by high reproducibility, not requiring the use of chemical agents. The mechanical properties of the material after the laser impact remain unchanged. However, many fundamental aspects between cell viability and the properties of the laser-modified structures are not yet fully understood.
The main scientific objectives in the present project are:
• Synthesis of thin biopolymer layers and 3D printed polymer scaffolds with a particular application in tissue engineering
• Microstructuring on surface and in volume of the new synthesized samples by precisely controlled and reproducible parameters of the femtosecond laser irradiation (laser fluence, number of pulses, wavelength region).
• Description of the morphology and 3D topography of the treated biomaterials, as well as the impact of different laser operating parameters. Analyses of their chemical, physical and mechanical characterization.
In order to achieve the scientific objectives, thin biopolymer layers will be synthesized according to established protocols. The synthesis of 3D matrices will be accomplished by 3D polymer printing technology. The laser treatment of newly synthesized specimens will be performed by a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser with a pulse duration of 35 fs. Optical, morphological and chemical analyzes will be analyzed by modified z-scan method, SEM, AFM, FTIR Fluorescence Confocal Microscopic Analysis and others.
The realization of such a methodology will enable effective determination and application of the specific properties of 3D biopolymer materials. These materials have the potential to be used both for obtaining the desired implant structures and for creating new technologies in the field of bioengineering and biomedicine. Successful implementation and dissemination of the project will be a prerequisite for attracting the interest of both scientific and industrial organizations.


Contract No КП06-Н28-9-2
Topic: Effects of resistive switching and magneto resistance in transition metal (Co, Ni, Fe) doped ZnO layers for multifunctional applications
Coordinator: Prof. DSc. Albena Paskaleva

Duration: 12.2018 – 12.2021

The wide spread in the recent years of portable digital devices defined the significant interest of the semiconductor industry to non-volatile memory (NVM) technology. Novel memory concepts totally different from that based on charge-storage are especially attractive for the next-generation nonvolatile memories. Resistive random access memory (ReRAM) is considered as one of the most promising candidates among them because it offers some attractive advantages in respect to the floating gate technology. Magnetic memories based on magnetoresistance effect are another very intensively investigated concept for realization of “non-charge” based storage devices. Further important step in the process of enhancing the data storage densities is the realization of multifunctional device, i.e. simultaneous electrical tuning of multiple physical properties. A realistic approach to meet the demands is the electrical control of the magnetic and resistance properties which is of great interest not only for technological applications but also for fundamental physics. It is a great challenge for simultaneous realization of large memristance and magnetoresistance in one nanoscale junction, because it is very hard to find a proper layer which not only serves as good insulating layer for magnetoresistance but also easily switches between high and low resistance states under electrical field. In addition, this device should operate at room temperature which is additional challenge what concerns magnetoresistive effect. The purpose of the project is to obtain by atomic layer deposition (ALD) ZnO films doped with different 3d transition metal elements (Co, Ni, Fe) as possible materials for application in multifunctional memory and sensor devices. Resistive switching effects, magnetic properties and magnetoresistance will be systematically studied in dependence on dopant, structure and process parameters. The project aims at in-depth analysis and understanding of fundamental processes and phenomena at the origin of RS and magnetoresistance in doped ZnO layers and their intimate interplay. The ultimate goal is to elaborate Metal/ZnO-based/Metal structures where the materials are developed and optimized to stabilize simultaneous resistive switching and magnetoresistance at room temperature and the system behaves as a memristor, in which the state variable is the magnetic moment in addition to the resistance.


Contract No ДН08-7/13.12.2016
Topic: Mechanical and electrical properties of model lipid membranes in the presence of biologically active substances
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Victoria Vitkova, PhD

Project duration: 2016-2020

The understanding of basic mechanisms driving some vital processes in biological cells requires a detailed knowledge of mechanics and electrostatics of biomembranes. The main objective is to first establish concerted and multifaceted investigation of these properties using a set of model lipid membranes and applying complementary techniques (fluctuation analysis on lipid vesicles, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy on planar lipid bilayers, etc.), and second, to evaluate how these properties are affected by biochemically relevant molecules. Synthetic bilayers will be studied in the presence of substances of practical importance for the pharmacology and food industry. The successful accomplishment of the research project will produce new scientific knowledge on the mechanical and electrical properties of biomimetic model systems as a result of combining a multidisciplinary approach, extensive scientific expertise and advanced methodology.


Contract No ДН08-2/13.12.2016 г.
Topic: Liquid crystal approach for model lipid membrane functions optimization by nanoparticles insertion
Coordinator: Assoc. prof. PhD Julia Genova

Duration: 2016-2019

In the present project we plan experimental and theoretical investigations of the properties of lipid molecular aggregates by inclusions of organic and non-organic nano-particles and bio active molecules. The role of the hydrogen bonds for stabilization the structure and the functions of the provoked by the inclusions complex liquids, in particular lipid membranes and dimeric liquid crystals, will be studied. The resemblance of the lipid membranes (with long range liquid crystal order) and the dimeric liquid crystals, determines by the availability of the nets of the hydrogen bonds in the two systems. This fact premises the liquid crystal approach, for theoretical interpretation of the lipid membrane experimental data, to be applied. The project implementation will be realized by specialists on structural and electrooptical properties of the liquid crystals, including dimeric liquid crystals and their nanocomosites, in collaboration with specialists on structural and physical properties of the bi-layer lipid membranes and vesicules. The basic organization of the project posses the necessary for the implementation of the project experimental base and corresponding infra structure. Unique experimental sets and technologies for the investigation of the mechanical properties of the bi-layer lipid membranes are available. The signification of the hydrogen bond for the mechanical properties of the lipid membrane is one of the expected results. The training up of the young scientists, included in the project, will be one of the basic tasks.


Contract No ДН08-16/14.12.2016
Topic: “Laser induced fabrication of three dimensional nanoparticle structures and study of their optical properties”
Coordinator: Ekaterina Iordanova

Duration: 12.2016 – 12.2019

The presented research project is focused on the fundamental physical background of a laser assisted method for fabrication of noble metal nanoparticles into transparent materials and study of the optical properties of complex nanoparticle structures. The main activities are directed to the revealing of the mechanisms of laser-composite materials interaction and laser induced complex nanoparticles structure formation. The main activities in the presented project are directed to study of the fundamentals of a method for fabrication of complex 3D nanoparticle systems embedded into dielectric matrixes. The method is based on photo induced reduction of metal ions embedded into silicate glasses. The main objects of interest are the mechanisms playing role in the particle formation and dynamics and the influence of the processing conditions. This knowledge will give opportunity of fabrication of structures with desired and controllable characteristics. The well developed methods for 3D laser scanning will turn this method into a high efficient in fabrication of complex composite materials that has no alternatives at the present. The formation of such materials will facilitate the experimental study of their optical properties, the description of the mechanisms of interaction of such systems with the electromagnetic field and the characteristics of the field in their near field zone.


Contract No ДН 18/14 – 12.12.2017
Topic: Composite and adiabatic methods for control in quantum and optical technologies
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emiliya Dimova, PhD

Duration: 12.2017 – 12.2020

The present project is dedicated on the development of new methods for coherent control of quantum states on the samples of ultra-cold atoms and on the application of the laws of quantum physics in classical optics for the creation of new technologies. The successful realization of the project is guaranteed by the close collaboration between both teams: the theoretical team developing the basic methods and experimental team with good expertise in the implementation of the proposed new methods. Moreover, through this project the research groups from different scientific institutions is consolidated. This enables the exchange of knowledge, technology and equipment. As a result, It leads to improving the qualifications of the team members and the project attracted more students and PhD students. Theoretical methodology involves several basic methods of theoretical and mathematical physics that allow analytical and numerical description of discrete quantum systems. It covers areas such as: classical and quantum optics, quantum coherent control metamaterials, nonlinear optics, etc. The experimental realizations is based on the manipulation of coherent states of rubidium atoms, cooled to tens of micro-kelvin, and the realization of new optical components. New methods of coherent control of quantum states of atoms will be produced. New methods for the realization of optical devices, for example broadband optical components, will be molded.


Cooperation project between the Institute of Solid State Physics – the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russian Federation
Тема: Investigation of the influence of nanoparticles on the properties of biologically relevant systems
Ръководител: Assoc. prof. PhD Julia Genova

Duration: 2019-2021

In the present project we plan experimental and theoretical investigations of the physical and structural properties of biologically relevant systems and modification of these properties by incorporation of organic and non-organic nano-particles and bio active molecules, including carbon nanostructures, cholesterol, proteins and others. Typical structural methods for studying the specific physical characteristics properties of complex systems involving Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), polarization micro-Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermally induced shape fluctuations analysis (TISFA), atomic-force microscopy (AFM) will be used. The evaluation of the standard physical parameters, like enthalpy, energy, entropy gives us possibility to apply molecular dynamic simulation for assignment of the new physical and structural characteristics of the complex lipid systems. The project implementation will be realized by specialists on mechanical and structural properties of bilayer lipid membranes and vesicles, structural and electrooptical properties of condensed matter, with specialists on computer modelling.